Scanna Scanmail 25 Colorscan Postal X-Ray Scanner

Scanmax 25 Colorscan Postal X-Ray Scanner
The Scanna Scanmail 25 Colorscan Postal X-Ray Scanner offers extremely detailed X-rayed images of the item contents. The Scanna Scanmail 25 has a large capacity x-ray mail-screening chamber of 56 x 42 cm that helps in scanning bundles of letters, courier deliveries, parcels and handbags. Images are automatically enhanced for highlighting low, medium and high density materials. The Scanna 25 is integrated with a 17 inch flat screen monitor that makes remote viewing possible.
The 25 Scanna Scanmail Colorscan Postal X-Ray Scanner has a screening speed of 60,000 items per hour in batches of 500 and can even scan 250 packages in an hour. The 25 Postal X-Ray Scanners has a freestanding cabinet which has a large screening chamber so that anyone can use it easily. It is versatile and lightweight and is suitable for Government agencies, security services etc.
Scanna Scanmax 15 Colorscan Postal X-Ray ScannerPrice $16,507.20List Price $19,995.00Savings 31.20%
Onsite Service
Following your purchase, JTF will assign an authorized service partner in your area to your account. Your service calls are processed and dispatched in just minutes after they are received, thus minimizing your downtimes. All service partners are authorized, factory trained and 100% endorsed by JTF Network Partners, with over 600 service dealers nationwide*
Same Day Onsite Service:
Same Day Service is provided at your business or home during the contracted Maintenance period.
1) Your offices are 40 miles away from the closest service providers.
2) Service in HI, AK & PR.
Convenient Assistance:
Having device issues?
Experts are here 8am -6pm weekly to help solve your technical problems.
Fast, free replacements:
If we can’t fix your printer, we’ll try to replace it by the next business day.
No hidden fees:
Parts and labor, replacements, even return shipping — it’s all covered by your JTF Warranty.
Optional extra coverage:
Additional coverage to include supplies are available for purchase.
No Expert Install
$349.00 Expert Install
Installation Service for equipment includes the following:
JTF will schedule an appointment with one person per site. Unless otherwise requested and/or scheduled, the standard practice is to start all installation services within one week the delivery of the hardware to the customer’s location.
Unpacking: JTF will inventory the shipment against the packing list, unpack and install all delivered products.
Setup/Installation: JTF will physically assemble, connect peripherals, network cables, and power cords that were purchased from JTF.
a. This service provides installation of drivers on a single PC workstation (not server), network setup, including the programming of the IP address and network settings and verification of the network functionality, wireless connection setup and verification of the functionality over the Internet.
b. For configuration networking, the Customer can choose between automatic configuration using BOOTCP or Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), or manual configuration with IP address, default gateway, and subnet mask.
c. For multifunction products, the service provides setup of the ‘send to email configuration’ and configuration of the SMTP or LDAP.
d. This service provides the Customer-identified key operator with a basic overview on how to install consumables, plus explanations of basic features and functionality such as drivers, control panel features, embedded Web server, and alerts.
