Kobra 400 HS-6 High Security Shredder

Kobra 400 HS-6 paper Shredder - 400 HS6 High Security Level 6
The Kobra 400 HS-6 paper Shredder is perfect for organizations that demand a high level of secrecy in their functioning and expect the same for the shredded documents too owing to its exceptional shredding mechanism. The 400 HS6 High Security Level 6 Shredder can easily break down large amount of unwanted documents that are no longer useful, but considering the secretive nature of these documents, this shredder reduces the paper size to a form that makes it impossible to be joined back together.
This is made possible by shredding paper into 20,000 microchips by the Kobra 400 HS6 Shredder, while a huge capacity of 42 gallons works effectively in collecting the shredded waste. The Kobra 400 HS-6 Shredder is also equipped with an "ENERGY SMART" system that reduces power consumption in environmental protection and while functioning in stand-by mode. An automatic oiler is also included in this 400HS6 Level 6 Paper Shredder for maximum usage.
- Throat width: 16 in.
- 24 hours continuous duty motor
- Heavy duty chain drive with steel gears "SUPER POTENTIAL POWER UNIT"
- Automatic Start/Stop through electronic eyes
- Automatic Stop when shred bag is full and electronic door safety switch
- Automatic Stop and reverse in case of paper jams
- Carbon hardened cutting knives
- 42 gallon high quality steel cabinet
- Mounted on casters
- Motor thermal protection
- Accessories: plastic waste bags (50 pcs./box) code n. SB-35, oil (a 7 Oz oil bottle) code n. SO-1032, Kobra "Accu-Flow" code n. AF-400, one gallon container of oil code n. SO-2032, computer form top shelf code n. SH-260
Throat width: 16 in. Shred size: 0.8x5 mm. Sheet capacity: up to 14 Security level DIN 32757: 6 (High security), comply with NSA CSS Specifications 02-01 “ENERGY SMART” management system: yes Speed: 35 ft./min. Voltage: 115/60 V/Hz Power: 2.8 Hp 24-hour continuous duty motor: yes Dimensions: 23.5x19x36.5 in. Weight: 243 lbs.